Friday, November 6, 2020

3 factors help you make safer decisions during COVID-19

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3 factors help you make safer choices during COVID-19

Check out this animation and see how location, proximity and time can help you make safer choices when you're in an area of widespread COVID-19 transmission.
How to stay healthy during lockdown

DO: Stay physically active
DO: Maintain a healthy diet
DO: Look after your mental health
DO: Quit tobacco
DO: Look after and support your children
Ventilation & COVID-19

How important is ventilation and how does it keep you safe from COVID-19? WHO's Dr Maria Neira explains in Science in 5.
Webinar - What must not go unspoken: gender based violence during COVID-19

COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated gender based violence at home globally. Join us for a webinar on 10 November to talk about this important topic.
More Info on WHO's response to the pandemic

Other hot topics

As COVID-19 disrupts immunizations, urgent action is needed to protect the world's most vulnerable children from deadly and debilitating diseases. UNICEF and WHO estimate that US$ 655 million is needed to address dangerous immunity gaps in polio and measles. 

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