Tuesday, January 5, 2021

ACS Surgeons and Engineers Virtual Meeting Save the Date!

Virtual Meeting Save the Date!
2021 Surgeons and Engineers: 
A Dialogue on Surgical Simulation
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 | 9:30 am–4:00 pm CT
Virtual Meeting

Dear Surgeons, Engineers, Educators, and Scientists:

We are sending this message as a friendly reminder that the annual SURGEONS AND ENGINEERS: A DIALOGUE ON SURGICAL SIMULATION meeting will return as a full-day meeting on Wednesday, March 10, 2021.

Please mark your calendars for the virtual meeting program planned to begin at 9:00 am and end at 4:00 pm CT. Further meeting details will follow. 

All 2020 accepted abstracts' first authors will receive additional communication concerning the presentation of their abstracts during the 2021 meeting. 

Please check for information on the 2021 ACS Surgeons and Engineers: A Dialogue on Surgical Simulation meeting website

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • 3D printing for surgery or surgical education
  • Advanced manikins
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Augmented reality for surgery
  • Automated surgical skill assessment
  • Computer-based virtual trainers
  • Educational databases
  • Ergonomics and human factors in surgery
  • Gaming for learning
  • Haptics
  • Learning management systems
  • Machine learning
  • Medical/surgical robotics
  • Motion analysis
  • Patient safety and quality improvement
  • Simulator development
  • Standards in simulation technology
  • Virtual physiology
  • Virtual reality surgical simulation

Through this exchange, we endeavor to promote future collaboration between the surgical and engineering communities.

Please share this announcement with any colleagues or graduate students who would find this meeting of interest and benefit. They may join our join our mailing list.

Please contact Gyusung Lee, PhD at glee@facs.org or 312-202-5782 with any questions regarding the Surgeons and Engineers: A Dialogue on Surgical Simulation meeting.


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