Friday, April 9, 2021

How to build a fairer, healthier world

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Building a fairer, healthier world

World Health Day 2021
COVID-19 has unfairly impacted some people more harshly than others, exacerbating existing inequities in health and welfare within and between countries. WHO is committed to ensuring that everyone, everywhere, can realize the right to good health.
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Cities hold the key: Prioritizing equity in the COVID-19 recovery

15 April 2021
The Partnership for Healthy Cities invites you to a special event on how cities are taking on the challenge of vaccine distribution. The speakers are:
  • Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO.
  • Michael R. Bloomberg, 108th mayor of New York City and founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies.
  • José Luis Castro, President and CEO of Vital Strategies.
  • Panel: Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago, United States, Intendant Carolina Cosse of Montevideo, Uruguay, and other urban leaders.
Register now

Latest on COVID-19

Equity in access to vaccines, treatments and tests

In our unequal world, how does inequity impact our response to COVID-19? How can we address it? WHO's Dr Mariângela Simao explains.
Interim statement on AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine safety

Based on current information, a causal relationship between the vaccine and the occurrence of blood clots with low platelets is considered plausible but is not confirmed.  
COVAX reaches over 100 countries, 42 days after first international delivery

COVAX aims to supply vaccines to all participating countries and economies that have requested vaccines, in the first half of 2021.
Footballer Alisson Becker kickstarts fundraising campaign for COVID-19 supplies

"Give a Breath for Health" campaign kickstarts a global effort for purchasing oxygen and other life-saving supplies, starting in the Americas.
The "Vaccines for All" sticker pack is live on WhatsApp

WHO and WhatsApp have launched a new sticker pack to offer people a fun and creative way of expressing hope for COVID-19 vaccines and appreciation for healthcare workers. 
More Info on WHO's response to the pandemic
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